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What you need to know about Fogging

What is Fogging?

Fogging uses disinfectant that is blasted from a fogging machine as tiny, microscopic droplets. This produces a fog that clings to surfaces and disinfects every nook and cranny.

A variety of disinfectants are available to suit almost any environment.

For general purpose use, we recommend Nuevo. This a British product that is suitable for use in most situations, including rooms and buildings that contain electronic devices including computers. No residue is left behind. Nuevo is free of Silver.

In more specialist circumstances such as outdoors, medical facilities or areas with more sensitive electrical equipment, we recommend Sanosil S010 H2O2 and Silver Ion disinfectant. Sanosil is kind to the environment too and breaks down into harmless oxygen and water, leaving behind no residue nor any harmful chemicals.

Why should I Fog my workplace?

By disinfecting your workspace, you can wave goodbye to all of the unpleasant germs that live on desks, door handles and even between the keys of your keyboard. You can prevent yourself, your employees and visitors to your premises from getting ill.

Clients and customers will scrutinise your infection control procedures like never before. Being seen to take action raises confidence which reinforces the positive feelings your associates have about your brand.

Fogging is a preventative method that reduces risk and improves safety.

Why is Fogging is better than traditional cleaning?

Whilst wiping the surfaces over with a cloth is the option most of the population would turn to, this traditional cleaning method is only effective at getting rid of 11% of harmful bacteria and viruses*.

Wiping down surfaces can actually spread germs – especially when only one cloth is used to clean all surfaces.

Whilst conventional cleaning may help rid the germs on the surfaces we can see, there are always areas that are missed, forgotten or that simply can’t easily be reached. This leads to hotspots, where large volumes of bacteria multiply.

*Source: British Medical Journal

What does fogging clean that traditional methods don’t?

Fogging isn’t just cleaning, it also disinfects.

Conventional cleaning may clean the common cold or influenza virus but it doesn’t kill MRSA, an antibiotic resistant bacteria present within healthcare settings. Fogging effectively kills all of these pathogens and 99.9999% of bacteria, fungi and viruses!

Fogging kills germs where they lie and prevents cross-contamination due to its touchless process.

*Source: British Medical Journal

Can I perform Fogging myself?

Fogging is available as a service when decontamination is required, however fogging is most effective as a regular preventative measure.

You can carry out the fogging process yourself, however it is recommended you undergo training to ensure you correctly and safely use the equipment and PPE, and apply the process correctly and effectively.

There are a plethora of machines, disinfectants and protective equipment options that make it difficult to know where to begin.

We recommend The Ultimate ‘Everything you need’ Fogging Kit which includes:

  • A powerful fogging machine
  • A large drum of disinfectant
  • All the PPE you need
  • Our professional training course delivered online or at our offices
  • Certificate of Fogging Competence on completion of training

For a limited time, the The Ultimate ‘Everything you need’ Fogging Kit is available for just £595 + VAT – a discount of 28% off the cost of the individual items!

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