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Fogging Machine to Combat COVID 19

A Fogging Machine to Combat COVID 19:

Because Coronavirus has impacted us all in our personal and working lives it is hardly any wonder that the digital world is loaded with information about prevention at the moment.

The problem sometimes is that a lot of misleading information is published in times of fear so as a longstanding supplier of specialist equipment and services dedicated to eliminating harmful pathogens we are always thrilled to come across responsible media information relevant to our sector of business, such as the NBC Tv report shared below.

The Halo Fogging Machine in the News

We came across the video below which is of benefit in explaining how the Halo Dry Mist fogging machine works in combatting COVID 19 and how it can benefit all sorts of sectors from healthcare to education in the fight against coronavirus (not to mention other harmful bacteria and viruses).

We have all read about reports dealing with shortages of masks and equipment in the fight against Cooronavirus -so-One very interesting aspect to the video report is how Michigan State is using the Halo Fogger to treat used hospital-grade surgical masks so that the masks can safely be reused again(after fogging) by medical staff at the coalface dealing with this pandemic.

External Link: Fogging Technology.

If you are interested in purchasing the Halo Fogger feel free to contact us to discuss matters further. We also offer a Hydrogen Peroxide dry mist fogging service carried out by specialist technicians.

Hands-free whole room surface disinfection at the touch of a button.

30 Minute Treatment Time!

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