
Fast disinfection solution available 24/7

Call on 01908 503 149

Available 24/7 and 365 days a year

Working day, night, evenings and weekends to disinfect your premises and keep your staff and visitors safe.


NHS approved supplier

With a staff who have over 30 years combined experience, offering expert whole room disinfection services/products & decontamination advice.

Promoting healthy environments

The Virus Fast Response Disinfection System reaches into nooks, crevices and corners that disinfecting sprays & wipes can’t, reaching every exposed surface in a room, not just the primary or “high-touch” surfaces, and reducing the risk of cross-contamination associated with using a rag, wipe or sponge. Reduces HAIs.

Our Whole Room Surface Disinfection is Validated 99.9999% kill rate against C. difficile spores! Which by definition make it a very simple process to deal with viruses such as COVID-19

  • Clinically proven to reduce infection rates
  • Goes where sprays & wipes can’t
  • Hydrogen Peroxide Fog is a Dry Fog – safe on all surfaces including electrical appliances.
  • Affordable and easy-to-use
 This healthcare-grade hydrogen peroxide-based disinfectants are approved by healthcare organisations across the globe, unscented and bleach-free. Perfect for Long Term Care.

Call on 01908 503 149

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